Barcode Images (for number purchased from our company)
INSTANT EMAIL DELIVERY: Please enter your EAN-13 or UPC barcode number into the “enter your barcode number(s) here” section when you get to the checkout page (separate multiple barcode numbers with a comma). After you’ve made payment your barcode number(s) will be automatically turned into barcode images and emailed you through the images in 4 different formats (PNG, SVG, JPEG and PDF).
Quantity | Price per Image (4 different formats) |
1 | 35 RM |
2 + | 25 RM each |
10 + | 20 RM each |
30 + | 15 RM each |
40 + | 10 RM each |
50 + | 8 RM each |
75 + | 6 RM each |
100 + | 4 RM each |
150 + | Please contact us. |